
9:30Site Opens
10:00Class: Brief Intro to the History of Henna Body ArtClassesRoom B (206)
10:00Class: Rubber Band Guns: An IntroductionClassesRoom C (207)
10:30Class: Introduction to Tablet WeavingClassesRoom D (208)
11:00Armored: Novice TournamentArmoredArmored List
11:00Rapier: Bring Your Best Pro TournamentRapierRapier List
11:00Class: Banner Making the Applique WayClassesRoom A (205)
11:00Class: Mead & Cordial Q&AClassesRoom C (207)
11:30Class: Access to Opportunities for Young Adults in the SCA: A Guided DiscussionClassesRoom B (206)
12:00Armored: Prize TournamentArmoredArmored List
12:00Rapier: Prize TournamentRapierRapier List
12:00Class: Untangling Double-Faced WeaveClassesRoom A (205)
12:00Class: Commonplace Books Past and PresetClassesRoom B (207)
12:00Class: Make-and-Take 14th Century HatsClassesRoom D (208)
1:00Class: How to Create a Faced NecklineClassesRoom A (205)
1:00Class: Teaching the Masses for Beginners: Skills of Effective InstructorsClassesRoom B (206)
1:00Class: Tablet Weaving Egyptian DiagonalsClassesRoom C (207)
1:30Armored: Pro TournamentArmoredArmored List
1:30Rapier: RBG & Dagger Tournament (or Sharks & Minnows Tournament)RapierRapier List
2:00Class: Make-and-Take 3-strand Finger Loop BraidsClassesRoom A (205)
2:00Class: So do you want to be a court herald?ClassesRoom B (206)
2:00Class: A History of Sex ToysClassesRoom C (207)
2:00Class: Caffeine, Politics, and PuppetsClassesCraftspersons Green
3:00Armored: Ladder of RenownArmoredArmored List
3:00Rapier: Cut & Thrust Ransom TournamentRapierRapier List
3:00Class: Heraldry 101ClassesRoom B (206)
3:00Class: Advice from the ToxophilusClassesRoom C (207)
8:00Site Closes

Please note, no food or drinks are allowed in any classroom per site policy.

All classes will be located on the second floor of the facility. There is an accessible elevator located at the southern end of the building as well as multiple staircases between levels.

If you would like to submit a class for Regular Event, please register here.

  • A History of Sex Toys. (Classroom B – Room 206, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm) Since prehistoric times, people have been using objects to satisfy their sexual desires or enhance their sexual experiences with their partner. This class explores the origins of the adult toys available today. Ages: 18+ [Instructor: Lady Rosie Dubroc]
  • Access to Opportunities for Young Adults in the SCA: A Guided Discussion. (Classroom B – Room 206, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm) This guided discussion will address the bias against young adults and second generation members in the SCA while introducing the concept of creating experiential opportunities for young adults to give them access to local/regional/kingdom positions in order to facilitate the continuation of the SCA. The class will be in a lecture/discussion format and questions/ideas are encouraged! [Instructor: Baroness Nasira Al-Zarqa bint Ivaz]
  • Advice from the Toxophilus. (Classroom B – Room 206, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm) Roger Ascham’s archery instruction book of 1545, the Toxophilus, contains information still pertinent for SCA archers. This class will focus on his advice for choice and care of equipment used in period as well as instruction in how to shoot well and hit your mark. [Instructor: Forester Arwenna of Kelsley, O.P.]
  • Banner Making the Applique Way. (Classroom A – Room 205, 11:00 am – 12:00 noon) Learn ways to turn your SCA device into an attractive and sturdy banner using applique techniques. Students should already have an SCA-approved device; heraldry rules are beyond the scope of this class. Basic knowledge of sewing and embroidery is a plus but not required. Class is discussion, not hands-on. Appropriate for kids 10 and up. No fee but $1 donation for handout requested. [Instructor: THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe]
  • Brief Intro to the History of Henna Body Art. (Classroom B – Room 206, 10:00 am – 11:30 am) Enjoy a brief history of henna, including the plant, historical significance, and modern uses. Attendees can get their own henna tattoo for donation for supplies! Optional take home kits will also be available for $10. [Instructor: Lady Sabela Griogolach]
  • Caffeine, Politics and Puppets—a fractured history of Turkish Coffee. (Cafeteria (Craftspersons Green), 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm) More than coffee making happened in Turkish Coffee houses. Join me for an overview of the history and culture that grew from this amazing bean. [Instructor: THL Juliane Bechaumpe]
  • Commonplace Books Past and Present. (Classroom C – Room 207, 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm) Commonplace books have been used since antiquity as an organized way to save and compile knowledge. They take many forms and serve many purposes. This class will provide a brief history of the commonplace book and then provide information on how to use modern technology and a variety of apps to create your own digital commonplace book. This class also draws heavily on Tiago Forte’s book “Building a Second Brain.” [Instructor: Lady Rosie Dubroc]
  • How to Create A Faced Neckline. (Classroom A – Room 205, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm) Discussion on how to create both hidden and decorative faced necklines. Great for Norse & Saxon tunics! [Instructor: THL Katherine Coscombe]
  • Introduction to Tablet Weaving. (Classroom D – Room 208, 10:30 am – 12:00 noon) In this class we will split our attention between the historical context of Tablet weaving and the practical process of weaving. I’ll walk you through warping and weaving, and share secrets to make it less frustrating for you. We will learn to read threading and turning diagrams and I’ll introduce you to the best methods to keep from getting lost. Ideally, each student will bring the loom, shuttle, and tablets they feel most comfortable with. Scissors, and two colors of yarn/thread would be great, but I will have those available. I can teach you to work with box looms or peg looms, or no loom at all. [Instructor: Marquesa Violante de Port]
  • Heraldry 101. (Classroom B – Room 206, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm) What to consider when choosing your name, heraldry and badge, in plain English. [Instructor: Nobilis Thory Vedarsdottir]
  • Make and Take 3-Strand Finger Loop Braids. (Classroom A – Room 205, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm) Learn how to make a basic finger loop braid. These decorative cords were very popular during Medieval Europe between 1200-1600’s. They were used in many ways, including holding up armor, dress lacings, neck closures and hose, to name a few.  [Instructor: Mistress Zuriel Nightshade]
  • Make-and-Take 14th Century Hats. (Classroom C – Room 207, 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm) Get hands on with the most popular hat of the 14th century! Learn a brief history of the bycocket, then create your own from a commercially available wool felt hat blank. The class will use modern tools, techniques, and materials to quickly and affordably attain the right look. We will also cover suggestions for embellishments you may wish to add on your own to make it even more stylish. Class fee: $15 per hat blank, or BYOHB. Ages 18+ or youth with an adult due to the use of hot irons. [Instructor: Baroness Gianna Vettori]
  • Mead & Cordial Q&A. (Classroom C – Room 207, 11:00 am – 12:00 noon) Bring your questions for a relaxed Q&A about mead and cordial making. Questions can range from “How do I get started” to “How can I make this better next time”. [Instructor: Mistress Zuriel Nightshade]
  • Rubber Band Guns: An Introduction. (Classroom C – Room 207, 10:00 am – 11:00 am) An introduction on the safety and use of RBGs. As well as a discussion on the making a future of the weapon in our game. [Instructor: Lord Carolus Vlastos]
  • So you want to be a court herald? (Classroom B – Room 206, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm) Have you been told your voice carries far? Are you interested in ceremonies and protocol? then maybe the fun and exciting life of a court herald is for you! This class is for beginners and those interested in dipping their toes in and seeing what it’s like. We’ll cover the basics of how it works here in the Middle Kingdom and how to get involved. Taught by the Pale Herald (Heraldic officer in charge of assigning court heralds for royal courts.) [Instructor: Master Milesent Vibert]
  • Tablet Weaving Egyptian Diagonals. (Classroom C – Room 207, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm) In this class we will breakdown the technique commonly referred to as Egyptian Diagonals. There will be a short examination of the basics of tablet weaving. Folks that are completely new to tablet weaving are encouraged to attend the introductory course. We will focus on this technique and how it is helpful deconstructing more complex patterns from period. There will be an emphasis on extant finds in Norse cultures. If time allows, I will introduce a few troubleshooting techniques that address common obstacles to enjoying tablet weaving. [Instructor: Marquesa Violante de Port]
  • Teaching the Masses for Beginners: Skills of Effective Instructors. (Classroom B – Room 206, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm) Have you ever wanted to teach a topic or skill but don’t know how to put all your ideas into a lesson plan? During this session we will discuss the primary goal of a trainer as models of leadership, their role in student engagement, best practices when teaching hands-on skills and how to build lesson plans. This session will have hands-on activities and discussion points to help engage you in the material. This session is primarily for first time instructors, but all skills levels are welcome to participate. [Instructor: Baroness Emmeline von Kaltwasser]
  • Untangling Double-Face Weave. (Classroom A – Room 205, 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm) Double-Face got you tied in knots? In this class we will weave our way through the ins and outs of this tablet weaving technique. Each student will be supplied with threaded cards and patterns to try. Just bring yourself, an open mind, and get ready to have some fun! [Instructor: Duchess Runa Eikbrandrskona]
  • Novice Tournament. Pre-requisite: No fighting awards and/or you feel you should be fighting in a novice tournament. The virtues of the winner will be spoken of at court, so choose wisely. Format: Double Elimination, Atlantian Speed Tournament.
  • Prize Tournament. Pre-Requisite: Bring a prize or ransom befitting your station to enter the tournament as an entrance fee for the tournament. Format: Bear Pit. 2 point per win. 1 point per loss. Maximum three wins before needing to report.
  • Pro Tournament. Pre-Requisite: None, best of the best. Format: Bracketed Double Elimination Tournament. Prize: A weapon donated by the Bear Hunters to the Barony of the Cleftlands for this Tournament.
  • Ladder of Renown. Pre-Requisite: None. As time allows. Format: Single Elimination, Atlantian Speed Tournament. Ladder ranks will be as follows: 1) No fighting awards, 2) Red Company (Sergeants and Captains), 3) Chivalry and Royal Peers by their own hand.
  • Bring Your Best Pro Tournament. This will be a double elimination bracket tournament, with the winner receiving a weapon donated by the Bear Hunters to the Barony of the Cleftlands. Bring your best form! There are no prerequisites to entry.
  • Prize Tournament. To participate in this tournament, you will need to bring a prize or ransom befitting of your station for entry. This will be a bear pit tourney, with 2 points per win and 1 point per loss and 3 wins before needing to report. Winner will have first pick from all the entry prizes/ransom, and everyone will get a prize.
  • RBG & Dagger Tournament. You will need to be authorized in dagger to participate. Combatants will start back-to-back with an RBG and a dagger and take 10 paces away from each other before turning and firing. If both survive, a dagger fight will occur. This will be run as a single elimination tournament.
  • Sharks & Minnows Tournament. One person not participating (i.e. wanting to win the tournament) will start as the first shark. All other participants are minnows and will line up and attempt to cross to the other side without being killed by the shark. If the shark kills you, you become a shark and go after minnows. Minnows will cross from one line to the other through the growing sharks until only one minnow is left and declared the winner.
  • Cut & Thrust Round Robin Tournament. (Numbers dependent) Best score of 5 fights, each fight fought to first touch. Scoring: Head – 3 pts, Foot (no leg, ankle down) – 2 pts, Everywhere else – 1 pt. Singular bonus points awarded if combatant calls touch location before the fight. If combatant misses called target and hits elsewhere, no points are awarded (e.g. combatant calls head but hits arm, point from the arm hit is null). Doubles refought once then counted as no points. No more than 6 fights per bout. Maximum tip to quillon blade length of 38″ unless using a two-handed weapon. If using a two-handed weapon, both hands must be on the grip at all times unless changing grip. Prize: Metal buckler