If you are interested in teaching at Dressed to Kill III, please sign up to using this Google sign up form.
Note: This schedule is not final and is subject to change.
Costume | Armor | |||||
Time | Classroom 1 (Room 4) | Classroom 2 (Room 2) | Classroom 3 (Room 3) | Classroom 6 (Room 8) | Classroom 5 (Room 5) | Classroom 7 (Room 12) |
10:00 | Beaded Cabochons | Making Maille | Repousse | Making a Longbow | ||
11:00 | Opus Consutum: Applying Ourselves | Before the design, what to think about when making gab | The 13th Century Kit | |||
11:30 | Intro to Bobbin Lace | |||||
12:00 | Holbein stitch, aka Blackwork Embroidery | Hats | 14th Century Armour Roundtable | |||
12:30 | Lunch break | Leatherworking for Armourers | ||||
1:00 | Islamic Pattern Darning Embroidery | Intro to Bobbin Lace Continued | Clothes not costumes | |||
1:30 | Hardened Leather | |||||
2:00 | Cloth pouches | Norse Dress by Century and Region | Fashion, what it is and were can I get some | Acid Etching | ||
2:30 | Tooling Leather | |||||
3:00 | Decorative Embroidery on Clothes 14th Century | Transitional Outer clothing in late 14th century Venice and Milan | ||||
4:00 | Honorable Company of Embroiderers Meeting | Adapting Heraldry for Multiple Purposes | Leather Workshop |
Costume Class Descriptions
- Making Hats. We’ll cover some of the most common techniques for building a variety of hats. Brims, bands, crowns, and of course how do you get that stuff on your head, and then how do you get it to stay there? [ Instructor: The Honorable Lady Lyonnete Vibert ] Author of Complete Anachronist #133 “Hats and Headdresses of the 14th and 15th Century”
- Beaded Cabochons. We will use seed beads to secure a cabochon to fabric. This is a good introduction to seed bead embroidery and integrating cabochons. The technique can also be used to imitate the appearance of certain medieval jewelry styles. Students will leave with a completed pendant – kits $5 [ Instructor: Dame Elizabethe Alles ]
- Fashion, what is it and where can I get some. Topic on fashion [ Instructor: Lady Bronwen Elvina ]
- Norse Dress by Century and Region. How to match your Norse Dress with your persona. Learn what was fashionable in your neck of the woods. [ Instructor: Meistara Thorhalla Carlsdottir af Broberg ]
- Decorative Embroidery on Clothes in the 14th century England and Beyond. A historic look at how the styles of clothes change and how decorative embroidery was used on them. [ Instructor: Baron Edward Brackenburye ]
- Holbein Stitch, aka Blackwork Embroidery. Learn how to draft embroidery patterns from some of Holbein’s portraits and then apply it to costuming. [ Instructor: THL Lynne Fairchild ]
- Intro to Bobbin Lace. Learn the basics of making bobbin lace in an hands-on class. Class materials are $10 and include a handout, practice pillow, bobbins, thread and pattern. Materials are limited to 5 people, though anyone is welcome to watch and extra handouts will be available for $1. [ Instructor: Lady Katherin Verch Rhys ]
- Cloth Pouches. Class will cover making a rectangular cloth pouch. [Instructor: Master Cellach macChormach ]
- Islamic Pattern Darning Embroidery. Learn the basics of Islamic pattern darning for adornment. [Instructor: THL Ghadah Falak Noor ]
- Opus Consutum: Applying Ourselves. This class will address the different types of appliqué found on period, the methods used to do them, and how appliqué can be used to decorate garments and accessories. [ Instructor: Aasa Sorensdottir ]
- Clothes not costumes. how to be more comfortable in garb [ Instructor: Lady Bronwen Elvina ]
- Before the design, what to think about when making garb. [ Instructor: Lady Bronwen Elvina ]
- Transitional Outer clothing in late 14th century Venice and Milan. Exploring the shapes and how to create them for late 14th century Northern Italian clothing. Including how to alter a basic cote pattern to create the outer garments. [ Instructor: Laureate Sarai Tindall Sogliano ]
Armour Class Descriptions
- Making Maille. [ Instructor: Laurel Vigilant for Armour, Mark Rengarth ]
- The 13th Century Kit. [ Instructor: Duke Laurelen Darksbane ]
- Leatherworking for Armourers. [ Instructor: Master Brendan O Corraidhe ]
- Making a Longbow. Gladius will demonstrate how to make a bow and share his expertise; 4 hours, feel free to drop in for some or all of the time. [ Instructor: Forester Gladius the Alchemist ]
- Repousse for Armourers. Repousse is typically considered a silversmith’s skill. However, it is not uncommon to see decorative elements on plate armor that were applied through chasing and repousse. Learn to make the leap on to the armorer’s bench with tool selection, skills, and examples of finished work. [ Instructor: THL Reinhold von Glier ]
- A discussion on wearing and using Late 14th Century European armour This class is meant to share examples and knowledge of 1370-1399 AD European armour. There will be a discussion on bascinets, shoulder armour, and how to wear the armor using various arming garments. Time permitting, we will discuss the other various pieces of armour as well. Those in class will be encouraged to ask questions, and to add their own experiences. If you wish to bring your late 14th C armour, please do so. The armour brought by the teachers will be available for hands on inspection. 1.5 hours. [ Moderators: Duke Eikbrandr, Baron Stephan Von Lübeck and Syr Ulfr Forkbeard ]
- Hardened Leather 101 [Instructor: Hersir Torvaldr Torgason ]
- Tooling Leather [Instructor: Hersir Torvaldr Torgason ]